Our Services

Finishing Touch Home Services is the only partner you need as you prepare for a listing. No job is too big or too small, and we partner with you throughout the entire process.

  • Property cleanout / cleanup

  • Item sale/auction/donation

  • Home repair

  • Paint

  • Windows

  • Plumbing

  • Electrical

  • Packing & Moving Services

  • Staging



The vision. Finishing Touch partners with both realtor and client to set goals and expectations based upon each property’s individual needs. We believe open & frequent communication is essential and healthy.


The meat and potatoes. Finishing Touch does the legwork, so you don’t have to. We create a custom scope of work, source the appropriate resources and manage the entire process through to completion so you don’t need to think about it.


The goal line. At the end of the day, this is what we’re working towards. We strive to make this happen quickly, affordably and stress-free, all the while ensuring the client is informed and happy throughout the process.